International Driving Permit and the Law

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After debating this issue on different forums, I did a little research. Of course there are many sites, including some that are travel agents, that say you do not need an IDP but they are not the law. I found the 2 comments below and their answers are the same that I was given by my driving instructor here as well as friends who are police.

From the State Police Site

From their FAQ:

Sono un cittadino statunitense. Per condurre un'auto in Italia posso utilizzare la patente dello Stato di New York, USA, o e' d'obbligo la patente internazionale?

Risposta: E' necessario disporre della patente internazionale o, in alternativa, della patente americana accompagnata da una traduzione ufficiale in lingua italiana. Poiché le stesse disposizioni valgono anche per gli altri Paesi dell'Unione Europea, pare opportuno suggerire di chiedere il rilascio della patente internazionale con la quale e' possibile condurre veicoli anche nel resto dell'Europa ed evitare di avere al seguito la traduzione della patente americana nelle diverse lingue europee.

Translation: I am an American citizen. To drive an auto in Italy, may I use my NY State license or do I need an International License?

Response: It is necessary to have an international license or your American state license accompanied by an official translation in Italian. Because this same rule is valid for the entire EU, we suggest applying for an international license so that you can drive throughout Europe and avoid having to carry multiple translations of your American license.

From the ACI site (department of motor vehicles in Italy):

I conducenti con patente o permesso internazionale rilasciati da uno Stato estero non appartenente alla CE possono guidare in Italia veicoli per i quali e' valida la loro patente (o il permesso) purché non siano residenti in Italia da oltre un anno. Se la patente, o il permesso, non sono conformi a modelli stabiliti in convenzioni internazionali cui abbia aderito anche l'Italia, devono essere accompagnati da una traduzione ufficiale in lingua italiana o da documento equivalente.

Translation: Drivers with licenses or international permits from a foreign country not of the EU may drive a vehicle for as long as their home license is valid as long as they have not been residents of Italy for more than a year. If the license or permit does not conform to the international conventions* as does Italy, you must have an official translation into Italian or an equivalent document (IDP)

*A US State driver's license does not conform as it is only in English and it is state not country issued.

Special notes: You must carry your US State, Canadian state, etc. license along with your IDP as they work together. Neither of these are considered valid ID in Italy which everyone who is here must carry at all times. The only ID that Italy recognized from a US or Canadian citizen is their passport.


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