Interview with Milanoclaire in Milan

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Name: Milanoclaire

Date of Interview: September 16, 2006


Area of Italy you live in?


Let us know a little about yourself?

Single,lived with Italian boyfriend in Milan since 2001. Work as English teacher in a well know Italian Oil company

Why did you decide to move to Italy?

I met my BF in Uk, he lived with me there, during a very cold summer, he couldn't find a job as it was a small town & he hated the weather. He asked me to come & live here in Italy with him, 6 months later I arrived here & never looked back.

What type of process did you go through to be able to move here?

As a EU member I really had no problems, I found the process very easy. I found a job after a month, which enabled me to get my PDS for 10 years. I then became a resident after a five minute visit to the local commune office. I also got my medical card with in minutes. I didn't have to show any documents from UK to get this.

What problems did you run into during the initial process and how were you able to fix them ?

As before, I really had no problems, but I know I was lucky.

How long have you been here?

I've been living here since 2001.

What type of adjustment problems have you had?

God tons. The way life is quite slow I can't by a bottle of mik on a Sunday as nothing is open I have really had to learn to be patient and not expect everything straight away. To try to keep my political frustrations under control To lose my fixation with going to the pub at the weekend Learnig Italian was harder than I expected To remember Italy is not England, things are not the same so don't complain. That in the summer it is really too hot to do things quickly. That the customer is not always right!

What do you wish someone had told you before you made the leap?

That finding a good job is almost impossible. That life here can be really tough sometimes. That Language teachers are really expolited. That owning a home is very difficult. Not to take anything for granted. That the law means nothing most of the time. Things change very slowly. The cost of living is high

What inside secret could you pass on to others looking to move over?

Learn Italian. Don't compare Italy to where you've just come from or are leaving, it is different.

Do you have any disappointments, things you thought would happen but haven't for whatever reasons ?

I really never imagined that I would still be working without a decent contract after 5 years. I expected to have a family & a house by now, but it's impossible with no maternity pay on a project contract.

What has changed about you since you have been here ?

I'm happier (despite my above comments!) I more calm Less materialistic I have got used to living on a small amount I appreciate the simple things in life. I know how important a holiday is! I have learnt to cook and eat well & to repspect food and alcohol. I'm healthier

Do you think that you will stay forever?



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